Compounding in Northern Thai Literature: A Cognitive Linguistics Approach

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Pinanong Ampala
Saowanee Damrongrojsakul
Acharaporn Jansawang


The results of the study on “Compounding in Northern Thai Literature appeared in Khrau Hong-pha-kham, Khausau Nok-kra-jap and Khausau Aai-roi-khot” The objective is to analyze compounding in Northern Thai Literature. The result reveals four types of compounding. The first type is compounding derived from the first space moving to the second space. The meaning of the new word remains in the meaning of the word in the first space. The second type is compounding derived from the word in the second space partially overlapping the word in the first space. The meaning of the new word remains in the meaning of the word in the first space. The third type is compounding derived from combining the meaning of the word in the first space with the meaning of the word in the second space. The meaning of the new word totally changes i.e. its meaning cannot be inferred from the meaning of its parts. The last type is compounding derived from the word in the first space completely overlapping the word in the second space. The meaning of the new word totally changes and cannot be inferred from the meaning of its elements. In addition, the meaning of the new word becomes metaphorical. The findings reflected concept of mental space and meaning expressing motion. This process enables us to realize meaning of a new word in terms of the former space extension or figurative meaning and semantic extension process.

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How to Cite
Ampala, P. ., Damrongrojsakul , S. ., & Jansawang, A. . (2023). Compounding in Northern Thai Literature: A Cognitive Linguistics Approach. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 33(1), 175–190.
Academic Articles


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