Calculation of Cost for Biennial Plant in Practical
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This academic article aims to present the concept of cost calculation for biennial plants in practice. The proposed simple cost calculation guideline is expected to bring the benefits economically and socially to farmers, researchers, and general public.
The content of this article is divided into 3 parts. Firstly, lack of data recording by farmers is presented, Secondly, the importance of cost calculation, type of cost, and biennial plant process are reviewed. The example of calculating on onion planting cost is also
demonstrated. Farmers will be able to apply the prepared form proposed by this article to calculate other biennial plant costs. Lastly, suggestions for farmers to apply the prepared form and method of calculating, which can be separated into the raw materials, labor, and manufacturing overhead costs, are also presented. The calculation
methods and benefits of calculating the cost of biennial plant in practice are summarized
in the last section.
Article Details
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