Management Using the Big Data Analytical Process to Create the Opportunity for Thai Agriculturists during Global Food Crisis

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Aritat Aksorntap


The aim of this academic article is to propose the guidelines to Thai farmers that they can solve their agricultural problems and development by using Big Data. It can be used for planning and decision–making throughout the agricultural process, from upstream to downstream. This process can make agricultural products to be more effective and suitable for distribution, allowing the farmers to generate income efficiently. Furthermore, it could create an opportunity to expand the supply and export of Thai agricultural products to meet foreign demand caused by the global food crisis. Therefore, the use of Big Data analytics is urgently needed in the management of the agricultural industry. The Big Data analytics process can be implemented in four steps: 1) data collection, 2) data integration, 3) data analysis, and 4) real–world application. This process can help Thai farmers improve the quality of their agricultural production and ensure sustainable income.

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How to Cite
Aksorntap, A. . (2023). Management Using the Big Data Analytical Process to Create the Opportunity for Thai Agriculturists during Global Food Crisis. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 33(1), 207–217.
Academic Articles