The Need for Lifelong Learning of the Elderly in Upper-North of Thailand

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Jitnatee Ritchie
Kanokporn Saiyasittipanich


This research aimed to investigate the need for lifelong learning among the elderly from the upper north of Thailand: Chiang Mai, Lamphun, Mae Hong Son, and Lampang, in 3 components, which are physical and mental health, safety and security, and communication technology. The participant group was a group of 470 elderly people in the upper-north, selected by purposive sampling. The research instrument was a structured interview with content validity of 0.90 and reliability of 0.82. The results showed that 55.11% of the elderly were interested in lifelong learning. Furthermore, 87.45% of the elderly were interested in learning about health whereas 19.79% were interested in learning about communication technology. The three leading reasons for deciding to attend classes were 1) affordable education fee (64.68%) 2) convenience of location (60.43%), and 3) the opportunity for self-development (53.83%).

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How to Cite
Ritchie, J. ., & Saiyasittipanich, K. (2023). The Need for Lifelong Learning of the Elderly in Upper-North of Thailand. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 33(2), 1–17.
Research Articles


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