Satisfaction Level of Customers in Ride-Hailing Services through the Application in the Upper Northern Region

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Sarun Pudon
Theeralak Satjawathee
Supansa Lowry
Aphinya Ganoi
Asma Saeliu


This research study aims to examine satisfaction level of customers in ride-app hailing services in the upper northern region by comparing income level of consumers. A total of 385 valid samples were collected. Accidental sampling method was used to collect data via online questionnaires. The t-test was employed to identify differences between two income groups.
The results showed that the income groups demonstrate different satisfaction in the sub-factors of rate price distance, and car quality. In addition, the income groups exhibit different satisfaction levels in the sub-factors of first-time users discount and incentive for patronage. Furthermore, the drivers’ politeness, clean attire, price route picking, car condition, following local traffic regulation, and fare notification prior to service were also found at a significance level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
Pudon, S. ., Satjawathee, T. ., Lowry, S., Ganoi, A. ., & Saeliu, A. . (2023). Satisfaction Level of Customers in Ride-Hailing Services through the Application in the Upper Northern Region. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 33(2), 18–32.
Research Articles


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