Guidelines for the Management of the Competency-Based Curriculum of School Administrators of Innovative Pilot Schools in the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 3

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Kongkiet Wongthong
Teerapat Prasomsuk


This is a mixed-method research to study the guidelines for the management of the competency-based curriculum of innovative pilot school administrators in the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. The target group of this study consisted of 348 school administrators and educational personnel from 19 schools. The research tools were a 5-scale questionnaire and a structured interview. The collected data were analyzed by the statistical methods of average, frequency, standard deviation, and content analysis. The result revealed that the management of the competency-based curriculum of innovative pilot school administrators in the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, in overall, was at the highest level. When classified into each aspect, it was found that the management of the competency-based curriculum by the administrators, the classroom curriculum setting up and the implementation of the results of the curriculum to complete the curriculum framework improvement were at the highest level. The use of the curriculum and the learners’ development to competence were at a high level. It is concluded that the data analysis of the competency-based curriculum management from the structured in-depth interview found that school administrators should organize teacher trainings on the following competencies 1) assessment to develop a comprehensive evaluation of graduation criteria, reporting of learning outcomes 2)preparation of course descriptions, course, learning units, projects, activities, learning outcomes and learning content 3) planned instruction, emphasis on active learning, assessment for development during teaching, assessment of learning, and 4) creating awareness and understanding of the curriculum.

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How to Cite
Wongthong, K. ., & Prasomsuk, T. . (2023). Guidelines for the Management of the Competency-Based Curriculum of School Administrators of Innovative Pilot Schools in the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 33(2), 60–77.
Research Articles


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