Guidelines for the Development of the Efficient Material Supplies Management, School of Tourism Development, Maejo University

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Piyaphorn Daengchat


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the satisfaction of supply management in the School of Tourism Development at Maejo University, 2) to analyze the factors that affect efficient supply management of supplies officers in the School of Tourism Development at Maejo University, and 3) to establish development guidelines for efficient supply management in the same school. The research was conducted using a quantitative research method. The population for this study consisted of 27 stakeholders involved in supply management. Questionnaires were used for data collection, and the collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
The results indicated that the factors affecting the efficiency of supply management were as follows: the factors determining demand were the most influential, followed by planning factors and supply procurement factors, respectively. Moreover, demand determination was identified as a crucial factor contributing to supply management aligned with the faculty's objectives, aiming to maximize benefits. Additionally, development guidelines for efficient supply management were established, comprising four key points: 1) addressing maintenance delays in learning and teaching activities, 2) resolving purchasing restrictions with department stores/stores/companies that have credit with the government sector, 3) tackling the issue of relatively cramped storage facilities, and 4) ensuring the maintenance and modernity of learning equipment, including computers.

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How to Cite
Daengchat, P. . . (2023). Guidelines for the Development of the Efficient Material Supplies Management, School of Tourism Development, Maejo University. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 33(2), 78–93.
Research Articles


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