The Development of Instructional Model in Social Studies by Using the Co-operative Learning to Enchance Student Teachers’ Social Skills.

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Attaya Merdthaisong


This study aims to develop and evaluate a social studies teaching model that utilizes collaborative learning to enhance the social skills of student teachers. The sample group is the 55 third-year students majoring in social studies enrolled in the “Teaching Methodology for Social Studies” course during the second semester of 2022. The research utilizes various tools, including a learning management plan incorporating co-operative learning to enhance social skills. In addition, a social skill assessment and a survey were also employed to measure students' opinions on collaborative learning for improving social skills. In addition, data analysis techniques were employed by means, standard deviations, and dependent statistic t-tests.
The findings revealed 1) the key components of the developed social studies teaching model: principles, objectives, learning activities based on the IPPR Model (preparation and interaction, practice and participation in groups, and reflective evaluation), learning materials, and assessment methods. 2) The findings indicate that student teachers' social skills improved after using the co-operative learning method. The post-learning score of 88.40 was significantly higher than the pre-learning score
of 77.64 (p < .05). 3) Finally, the student teachers gave positive feedback on the social studies teaching method that involves co-operative learning, with an average rating of 4.45 (standard deviation = 0.62)

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How to Cite
Merdthaisong, A. . (2023). The Development of Instructional Model in Social Studies by Using the Co-operative Learning to Enchance Student Teachers’ Social Skills. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 33(2), 94–107.
Research Articles


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