Disclosure of Employee Engagement Factors Among Generation Z Employee : A Case Study of Provincial Area, Thailand

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Kangwan Yodwisitsak
Rattiya Yooyen


This paper aimed at 1) evaluating the level of employee engagement amongst Gen-Z staff in the provincial area, Thailand, and 2) investigating factors affecting employee engagement amongst Gen-Z staff in the provincial area, Thailand. The questionnaire was used as research instrument for data collection. Four hundred (400) completely filled in questionnaires were collected amongst Gen-Z Staff in the provice area, Thailand. Descriptive statistics and Multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine which variable had the most predictive power on employee engagement. The results of this study were as followed: 1) The level of employee engagement amongst Gen-Z staff in the provincial area was “High”. 2) The results also indicated that six factors including “job security” (gif.latex?\beta = 0.196) was the most powerful predictor of employee engagement, followed by “nature of the job” (gif.latex?\beta = 0.129), “pride of the organization”(gif.latex?\beta = 0.119), “physical working environment” (gif.latex?\beta = 0.101), “management and policy” (gif.latex?\beta = 0.083) and “relationship with colleagues” (gif.latex?\beta = 0.075), respectively. It is reasonable to conclude that there are several means to increase employee engagement level. Relevant actions should be taken to design interventions which specifically focus on raising employee engagement level.

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How to Cite
Yodwisitsak, K. . ., & Yooyen, R. . (2023). Disclosure of Employee Engagement Factors Among Generation Z Employee : A Case Study of Provincial Area, Thailand. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 33(2), 108–125. https://doi.org/10.14456/pyuj.2023.23
Research Articles


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