Sexual Assault Victimization by Biological Fathers: Causes, Effects, and Adaptation

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Waranya Rattanasakorn
Nanrapat Chaiakaraphong


This qualitative research study aimed to explore the causes, effects, and adaptation of offspring who have experienced sexual assault perpetrated by their biological fathers. In-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted with six officers from the Equality Promotion Foundation (EPF) to gather primary data. The research findings revealed that significant factors contributing to sexual assault victimization are as follows: (1) victims were manipulated into normalizing the misbelief in biological paternal love; (2) a victim’s mother ignored the incident; and (3) the victim accepted the abuse, feeling compelled to consent. The following effects of rape and sexual assault on the victims were reported: (1) physical, (2) emotional, (3) social, (4) educational, and (5) financial effects. Through participation in rehabilitation programs and engaging in group activities organized by the EPF, the victims experienced improvements in their psychological well-being, enabling them to adapt and seek support from various stakeholders. The victims were empowered to speak out, reintegrate into society, and address ongoing challenges. They have secured employment and achieved financial independence, allowing for successful reintegration into society and a state of happiness.

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How to Cite
Rattanasakorn, W. ., & Chaiakaraphong, N. . (2023). Sexual Assault Victimization by Biological Fathers: Causes, Effects, and Adaptation. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 33(2), 155–169.
Research Articles


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