Upstream Supply Chain Management of Cannabis Products by Community Enterprises towards Sustainable Development

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Phuwakorn Anantarak
Chetphanat Panyavacharawonhse
Aeknaree Toomphol


The objective of this article is to present guidelines for the sustainable management of the upstream cannabis supply chain in community enterprises. Cannabis is a new economic plant that has received government support due to its high medicinal and economic value. However, since the production (growers) of community enterprises is legally controlled, a lack of knowledge and understanding of upstream supply chain management is causing problems related to production costs, price uncertainty, and product quality. To develop the operational potential of cannabis products with community enterprises, upstream supply chain management towards sustainable development is absolutely necessary, with supervision throughout the production process. Starting from the procurement of raw materials to production, transportation, and delivery, all three aspects of impact management need to be balanced, including the economic, social, and environmental factors. By implementing sustainable upstream supply chain management for community enterprise producers, the business’s competitiveness can be enhanced. This can be achieved by increasing productivity and potential opportunities, reducing costs and the associated risks, and guiding the cannabis production industry towards long-term sustainability.

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How to Cite
Anantarak, P. ., Panyavacharawonhse, C. ., & Toomphol, A. . (2023). Upstream Supply Chain Management of Cannabis Products by Community Enterprises towards Sustainable Development. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 33(2), 213–226.
Academic Articles


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