Content Marketing to Convert Prospects into Customers

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Saisunee Kasem
Nattachan Suphon
Suangchanok Rakcharoen
Chatchai Suphanbanjong


Content marketing is a type of marketing that involves creating and sharing content in various ways to provide valuable content to the target audience and to attract the attention of the target audience that has the potential to become customers. Clear target audience needs to be studied and identified by studying the information presented using marketing funnels. Behavior of the target audience can be understood through the analysis of the composition of the target audience and a simulation of the target audience’s travel routes. Marketing objectives are established a focus on the content to be communicated. The created content must be clear, useful, and reliable according to the needs of the target group, which will attract them. The content should be differentiated to encourage interaction, participation, brand engagement, and effective dissemination through various formats and presentation channels. A quick access to the presentation channel will maintain customer engagement and encourage repeat purchases or referrals. The consequence of customer interactions is a positive impression and a positive attitude. The content presentation must build relationships with customers by creating impressions and fostering positive attitudes. Presenting content should address issues directly and deliver content that is relevant.

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How to Cite
Kasem, S. ., Suphon, N. ., Rakcharoen, S. ., & Suphanbanjong, C. (2023). Content Marketing to Convert Prospects into Customers. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 33(2), 227–242.
Academic Articles


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