Quality of Work life of Instructors in Private Universities: Law Concerning the Protection for Workers in Private Universities in Thailand Dimension
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This research studied the relationship between the law concerning the work protection of workers in private higher education institutions and the quality of life of instructors in private higher education institutions. The sample size comprised 275 full-time instructors engaged in teaching roles within private higher education institutions. Descriptive data were analyzed, and hypotheses were tested to examine the association between the legislation and the quality of life experienced by instructors. The findings revealed that the law concerning the work protection and remuneration of workers in private higher education institutions did not affect the quality of life of instructors at a statistically significant level of 0.05 and 0.01. However, it was observed that the average monthly income factor significantly influenced the quality of life of teachers at the 0.05 level. The researchers suggested that institutions consider the workload assignment by the essence of the Ministerial Regulations on Work Protection and Remuneration of Employees in Private Higher Education Institutions, 2006; the Institute shall have the tools to take care of the welfare of instructors appropriately.
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