The Use of Active Learning in the Moral and Ethical Development of Youth in the 21st Century
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The purpose of this paper is to present ways to use Active Learning in the moral and ethical development of youth in the 21st century. The author raises the impact of changes resulting from the advancement of information technology systems on all aspects of people's lives to discuss how people can adapt and cope with these changes. People in today's world, especially the youth, must be prepared to learn new things and be lifelong learners. They must develop the skills for the 21st century world, especially life skills that correspond to moral and ethical development. This skill development will help encourage individuals to have virtuous minds, thoughts, and life features, and to be able to live peacefully with others amid diverse societies and cultures. According to the analysis of moral aspects, such ethics correspond to the state of mind and behavior of a person. The author uses psychological theories, namely psychoanalytic, cognitive development, and social learning theories, to interpret that a person's mental state and behavior are fundamental to enhancing and encouraging that person to develop moral and ethical competency. The author points out that Active Learning is an important mechanism for the moral and ethical development of youth in today's world.
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