

  • ศิษฏ์ ลือนาม ศิลปประยุกต์และการออกแบบ มหาวิทยาลัยอุบลราชธานี
  • วิชิต คลังบุญครอง อาจารย์ ประจำคณะสถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น


decorative patterns (motifs), added value, huai- wang-nong pottery


The pottery products of the Huai-Wang-Nong community have been well-known among the people in the province of Ubon Ratchathani and the nearby provinces for a long time. However, the number of producers or manufacturers has continuously dropped. The production format and product decoration have followed the traditional ways. Changes or developments to add value to the community products have been minimal or have stayed almost the same. Seeing the importance of creating value for the local products, the researcher conducted a study to investigate the pottery production in 7 villages within the Huai-Wang-Nong area. The research aiming to add value to the local products started with 3 main objectives: 1) to study the characteristics, the format and the processes of pottery production adopted by producers or manufacturers in the Huai-Wang-Nong community, 2) to add value to local pottery of Huai-Wang-Nong and 3) to analyze the data and use the information to design and develop pottery products with the unique characteristics or with the identity of Ubonratchathani province while exploring the techniques of creating decorative patterns or motifs on the surface of pottery products in order to add value to them.  The researcher proceeded by investigating the prehistoric paintings and carvings as well as patterns found on local fabrics and handicrafts. Appropriate patterns or motifs have been selected and adapted to decorate the surface of pottery products to satisfy producers and consumers and to increase the pottery’s values without degrading its original strength. The patterns or motifs developed in this research study can also be used as a guide for further development and be adapted to add or create value for local pottery products in such a way to reflect the wisdom that remains with the province of Ubon Ratchathani.


