Factors on Marketing Mix of Rice Shop in Loei Town Municipality Loei Province


  • Somnuek Chainarong Master’s Student, General Management Program, Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Areerat Phuthamma Lecturer, Management Program, Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat University


the factors of marketing mix, rice shops, Loei


                This research was designed to investigate the factors of marketing mix of rice shops in Muang Loei municipality and to compare the factors of marketing mix classified by the respondents’ gender, age, level of education, career, income and the number of family members. The sample group consisted of 336 customers who bought rice from the rice shops in Muang Loei municipality. A questionnaire was used for data collection and the statistics applied for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The statistics used to test the hypothesis were t-test independent and one-way ANOVA then compared the pairs with Scheffe method.

                The results showed that:

                1. The factors of marketing mix of rice shop in Muang Loei municipality was obviously found in overall aspect at a high.  All aspects were found at a high level as well.  The highest mean was obviously found was the product, then price, and distribution respectively. The lowest mean was the marketing promotion.

                2. The customers with different gender had indifferent opinion about the factors on marketing mix of rice shops but the customers with different age, level of education, income, number of family members had different opinion about the factors of marketing mix of rice shops in overall aspect with the statistical significance at .05 level.


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