Guideline for Waste Management to Participation People at Municipal Trakanphutphon, Trakanphutphon District, Ubonratchathani Province


  • Nathaporn Sutthiphapa Lecturer, Faculty of Science, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Anucha Phianchana Lecturer, Faculty of Science, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, Thailand


participation, garbage, management, community


                Objective: 1) Study the amount of solid waste and types of solid waste that occur 2) Study the knowledge of community solid waste management 3Rs  3) Study the opinions about the problems and the approach to solid waste management in order to develop policy recommendations for finding sustainable waste management.  Method: The quantity used in the study was 365 people. Methods of studying waste amount, calculation of accumulated tax then the normal density of the waste data will be compared to the estimated amount of waste per community per day. Tools used to collect data. The questionnaire is divided into 4 parts which are  1) Personal information  2) Knowledge and understanding in community waste management with principles 3Rs 3) Opinions about problems or obstacles and guidelines for managing community waste using the principles 3Rs 4) Suggestions and other comments.  The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation  t-test  and  F-test. Results: The largest amount of solid waste is the origin. Government place and the tightness of the amount of garbage is at the store. The type of solid waste found is the most wet waste. Examples of knowledge on community solid waste management with 3Rs at a high level. And found that the problem of community solid waste management not enough trash. There is no tank for separating solid waste. Garbage is too large, resulting in insufficient storage space. The participation of the community has a solution to such problems. Install a separate type of trash to complete all the garbage disposal points and label clearly Publicize and provide knowledge about waste separation. Should throw the garbage into the tank and close the lid completely And help to reduce the amount of community solid waste by using 3Rs in order to reduce the amount of solid waste in the community


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