Customer Loyalty Toward Seven-Eleven Bangbon 3 Road, Bangbon, Bangkok


  • Watcharee Chongcham Editor/Writer, Pimwaree Publishing, Thailand


customer loyalty, brand, seven-eleven


               This research aimed to analyze for Customer loyalty toward Seven-eleven bangbon 3 road, bangbon, Bangkok. This study purpose to: 1) Investigation on the status of customer  who using a service of Seven-eleven bangbon 3 road, bangbon, Bangkok 2) Investigation on the customer loyalty toward Seven-eleven bangbon 3 road, bangbon, Bangkok. In this research quantitative data were customer with Purposive Sampling 400 samples who use a service of Seven-eleven bangbon 3 road, bangbon, Bangkok. The Descriptive statistics used to analyze data composed of percentage, mean, standard deviation and frequency, The Inferential statistics used to analyze data composed of t-test, F-test, One-way ANOVA and LSD (Least Significant Differential).

               The findings indicated that  a sample of customer who using a service of  Seven-eleven bangbon 3 road, bangbon, Bangkok were female for 57.5.00% and males representing 42.50%, age between 21 years and not over 30 years, representing 42.50 %, followed by aged between 31 years and not over 40 years, representing 22.50 %, education level of bachelor degree 45.00% , representing 41.25 %,  monthly income is 5,001-10,000 baht  38.75%, next is 5,000 baht  27.50 %, Single status 71.25%, married 28.75  Student  for 28.75 %, employee 22.50 %.

               The Customer loyalty toward Seven-eleven bangbon 3 road, bangbon, Bangkok, The findings indicated that 1) The overall of attitude in all aspects was at a high level composed of smiling, next is promotion notifications always expert and fast service 2) The overall of behavior in all aspects was at a high level composed of the service is reliable, next is after- sales service and Recommend other people to use the service.


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How to Cite

Chongcham, W. (2020). Customer Loyalty Toward Seven-Eleven Bangbon 3 Road, Bangbon, Bangkok. Research and Development Journal, Loei Rajabhat University, 15(52), 1–8. Retrieved from



Research article