Promoting of Sport for People in Dan Sai District, Loei Province by Using the Collaborative Process


  • Mahitorn Chittakasem Lecturer, Physical Education Program, Office of General Study, Loei Rajabhat university, Thailand
  • Wichai Peanksikum Lecturer, Physical Education Program, Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat university, Thailand


sport for all, supporting, participation process


               This research aims were to create the process for promoting sports for people including 1) the development of places, devices, and facilities 2) the development of the volunteers and sport for all personnel. The collaborative process was used in this research by dividing into 5 steps, exploring research areas, selecting community representatives, creating the process of sport development for the people by using the collaborative process, research conclusion, and research publishing.   

               The research area was Dansai Subdistrict Municipality and the community of Khok Ngam Subdistrict, Dansai District, Loei. Data was collected by using qualitative methodology. Data collecting consisted of in-depth interview of 9 sport leaders, 8 personnel who promoted sports for people, 3 Group interviews of 6 sport leaders of Khok Ngam Subdistrict, group of 6 and group of 10 sport leaders of Dansai Subdistrict Municipality respectively. The study found that the development of sports for people by using the collaborative process on the place, aerobic floor was lifted around Nong Koo park, Dansai District Municipality. Around Mai Roug swamp in Khok Ngam district was developed for walking and jogging. In the area of sport for all leader development, they founded a group of Line named Dan Sai sport for all for information exchange so there were more activities for examples retro dances of the elderly at Nong Khu, mini marathon at Kok Ngam with 800 participants. According to the needs of commune, they had aerobic dance and yoga training for leaders with 22 participants. The results of the training showed that the participants had knowledge in theory and practice and be able to lead so they were satisfied with the training at a high level.

               The results showed that the process of promoting sport for all were following steps, finding the leader, setting up a working group, survey needs, making project and Developing sport facilities and sport leaders. The results was also showed that promoting sport for all by using participatory process used less resources but results are consistent with the needs of the community.


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How to Cite

Chittakasem, M., & Peanksikum, W. (2020). Promoting of Sport for People in Dan Sai District, Loei Province by Using the Collaborative Process. Research and Development Journal, Loei Rajabhat University, 15(52), 73–82. Retrieved from



Research article