Problems and Solutions Concerning the Right of Access to Justice Fund under Justice Fund Act B.E. 2558: Case Study of Loei Province


  • Duangporn Boonliang Lecturer, Laws Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Loei Rajabhat University, Thailand


access to the rights, administration of justice, justice fund


                This study under the topic of Problems and Solutions Regarding the Access to Justice Fund under Justice Fund Act B.E. 2558: Case Study of Loei Province  aims to investigate the problems of access to Justice Fund of people residing in Loei Province and to explore the approach for the enhancement of access to Justice Fund for people living in Loei Province.  The method used in this study is qualitative research. The sample collected in this study is a group of persons being granted to receive the assistance and a group of persons being denied to receive the assistance from the Justice Fund in Loei Province area totaling 9 persons based on purposive sampling. The study is presented by means of analytic description.

                The results of the study reveal that there are many problems in respect of access to Justice Fund of people residing in Loei Province including the personnel who is the person-in-charge, nature of the case which is quite specific, the determination of the applicants who apply for the assistance before the court’s decision, the consideration of group assistance, the power of the provincial assistance provision subcommittee and the information awareness relating to the access to Justice Fund.  According to the mentioned problems, the approach for solving and enhancing the access to Justice Fund are demonstrated by revising the administrative structure of the Justice Fund to be more obvious, requiring  the appropriate qualifications of the provincial assistance subcommittee, establishing the essential principle for applying discretion to the decision-maker who grants the assistance, laying down the guideline for providing group assistance and empowering the provincial assistance subcommittee.


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How to Cite

Boonliang, D. (2020). Problems and Solutions Concerning the Right of Access to Justice Fund under Justice Fund Act B.E. 2558: Case Study of Loei Province. Research and Development Journal, Loei Rajabhat University, 15(53), 1–10. Retrieved from



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