Sexual Wellbeing Promotion for Risk Female Adolescent


  • Jutawdee Kamonpornmongkon Ph.D. candidate, Program in Education and Social Development, Education and Social Developmen, Faculty of Education, Brurapha University, Thailand
  • Suwichai Kosaiyawat Lecturer, Education and Social Development, Faculty of Education, Brurapha University, Thailand
  • Worawut Phengphan Lecturer, Education and Social Development, Faculty of Education, Brurapha University, Thailand


living style, health promotion, sexual risk, female adolescent


                This qualitative phenomenological research is aimed to reveal life style of female adolescent with sexual risk behavior self-adaptation resulting from having risky sex behavior of female adolescent and the guidelines for enhancing sexual health for female adolescents with risk behavior. The samples were female adolescent with sexual risk behavior, 20 people. Semi-structured interviews are used for data collected, from April to July 2019.The methods of data collection included in- depth interview and focus group discussion. Data were analyzed by the content analysis technique.  The result were as follows:

                1. The most risking life style or female adolescent to sexual wellbeing were having boyfriend, facebook surfing and living together with boyfriend. These life style leaded to closeness, trustworthiness, curiosity, and discourage to refuse for having sex and even lead to get an unexpected pregnancy. The pregnancy creates radical changes in body, mind and social problem. Knowing that she was pregnant, mostly, the lady would inform his and her parent to ask for forgiveness before having antenatal care.

               2. After being expose to the risk to sexual wellbeing, the female adolescent will adjust herself (or self-adaptation) in four aspects; body, self- concept, role and duty, and interdependency. Receiving helps and forgiveness from parents as well as care from her husband, the female adolescent would forgive herself, feel encourage to look after herself, eventually plan for her future to be.

                3. There are two ways to promote the sexual well-being for female adolescent. First, the guideline for helping female adolescent after having the risk behavior is to give moral support/ forgiveness/ employment/income and education. Second, the guideline for prevention of sexual risk behavior of female adolescent is the rejection skill which can be embedded in family and school to collaborate and communicate through their childhood.


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