The Impact of the Patronage System on Performing the Civil Servant’s Duties in Loei Province


  • Teerawat Wongwarunyoo Lecturer, Public Administration Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Loei Rajabhat University, Thailand


patronage system, duties, civil servants


                The research aims to study 1) the patronage system in government agencies in Loei Province 2) the impact of the patronage system on performing the civil servants’ duties in Loei Province 3) how to use the patronage system to benefit on performing duties of civil servant in Loei province. This study is a qualitative research by collecting data from a total of 34 participants with semi-structured interview, including civil servants in each ministry who performs duties in the province zone.

It was found that  

               1. The patronage system in the government agencies truly exist which can be seen from the recruitment process, and offering valuable things to exchange with their own advantages to be the chosen one, and the unfair performance evaluation. In term of pattern of patronage systems which occurred in government agencies are divided into two types 1) patronage type of using relationships, 2) The type of patronage using money or valuable things in negotiations and exchange benefits. In part of the behavior and relationship between patrons and sponsored people in government agencies can be classified in two categories:  1) formal behavior or relationship, 2) informal behavior and relationship.           

                2. Patronage system effects on the ability of performing the duty, operation order, communication, workload and difficulty, working efficiency, jealousy, organization conflict. In the patronage system effects on career path which can be categorized as follows; 1) Unfair assessment measurements 2) effect on their promotions  3) salary promotion 4) task assignments 5) fail to exercise their own rights. The patronage system, powerful groups can be classified in 5 groups as follows;  1) relative groups 2) companion groups 3) caring and loving group 4) groups of mutual purposes 5) group for exchanging benefits.            

                3. Guidelines for using patronage systems to benefit government agencies can be classified into six term as follows: 1) to resolve some situational problems, 2) to benefit on collaboration, 3) to support  on working informally, 4) informal assistance, 5) good relationship between friendly colleagues, 6) working environment.

Author Biography

Teerawat Wongwarunyoo, Lecturer, Public Administration Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Loei Rajabhat University, Thailand



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