The Story of Tai Daeng Ethnic in Ban Huai Phak Nowe: The Area of History and Textiles with the Revival of Life and Culture


  • Thairoj Phoungmanee Lecturer, Visual Arts Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Loei Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Thanchanok Homsawat Lecturer, Visual Arts Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Loei Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Supawadee Sumran Lecturer, Food Science and Technology Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Loei Rajabhat University, Thailand


revival, lifestyle and culture, Tai Daeng ethics, Ban Huai Phak Nowe


                This academic article was aimed to study about the area, history and textiles with the revival of life and culture of Tai Daeng Ethnic group in Ban Huai Phak Nowe, Phurau district, Loei province. The data was collected from the document, interview and focus group conversation in Ban Huai Phak Nowe village, Phurau district, Loei province. Theoretical concept of cultural preservation was applied for this study and content analysis was used for analyzing data. The results of the study showed that there were evidences from old people still living in the area and photographs of the ancestors enhancing new generations to realize and become interested in reviving traditional lifestyle through the status of being local people immigrating to settle down in this area from the past to present which was connected to people outside communities by collecting the data and develop the area of Ban Huai Phak Nowe to have Tai Daeng Ethnicity. The guidelines for reviving processes were 1) the community leaders should hold the meeting to inform and ask for villagers’ opinion, 2) the community leaders should connect with government sectors to inform and ask for reviving budget, 3) there should be the coordination with education institutes for data collection, and 4) the community leaders and the related organizations should be involved in the operating system and take part in making decision to find out how to start the operation in order to indicate the identity through mediums or object in the area.


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Academic article