The Elements of Managing Sport Event That Affecting to Runners’ Perception in University: A Case Study of Silpakorn Cha-am Mini Half Marathon 2020


  • Rachanon Taweephol Lecturer, Hotel Management Program, Faculty of Management Sciences, Silpakorn University, Thailand


Management, Sport Event, Perception


               The objective of this research aimed to 1) study the level of elements of sport event management and the level of runners’ perception in university 2) study elements of managing sport event that affects to runners’ perception in university. A sample of 384 was studied. Statistics for data analysis were the percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s correlation coefficient & multiple regression analysis. The result showed that 1) the level of elements of sport event, when classified every aspect, It found that the most concerning was food and beverage aspect. The inferior concerning was classified the role of stuff aspect, the rule of competition aspect, the promoting of event aspect, the registration management aspect and the highlight of running event was the most concerning  2) Independent variable consisted of 4 aspects which were  classified the role of stuff aspect ,the promoting of event aspect, the highlight of running event and the registration management aspect affected to runners’ perception.


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How to Cite

Taweephol, R. (2020). The Elements of Managing Sport Event That Affecting to Runners’ Perception in University: A Case Study of Silpakorn Cha-am Mini Half Marathon 2020. Research and Development Journal, Loei Rajabhat University, 16(55), 36–47. retrieved from



Research article