Thai Senior Tourists and Nostalgia in Hotels


  • Chakrapong Jotikasthira Lecturer, Hotel Management Program (International), Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kasem Bundit University, Thailand
  • Piyachat Puangniyom Lecturer, Hotel Management Program (International), Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kasem Bundit University, Thailand
  • Nuchanart Komolnila Lecturer, Hotel Management Program (International), Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kasem Bundit University, Thailand


hotel, elderly tourists, nostalgia


                This academic article aims to present the idea of applying nostalgia in hotel in order to attract elderly tourists which a number of them has continually increased all over the world. Especially Thailand is one of the countries that will enter a complete transition to aged society in 2020 and it is anticipated that there will be more than 20 percent of population aged 60 years or older in 2021. This is a great opportunity for hoteliers to expand their business in order to reach and respond to the needs of this group of tourists, due to the fact that elderly tourists have the potential to spend more money and will be able to stay for a longer period of time than other group of tourists. It is ideal for the hotel owners to pay more attention in designing their properties in the perspective of appropriateness, convenience and safety. In addition, if the hotel can apply the idea of nostalgia to decorate and create activities that are valuable to bring back old good memories, this will make a great impression on elderly tourists and could be one of the factors that will increase their motivation on returning to the hotel in the future.


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