Development Cooperation Among Region, Locality, and Area to Strengthen Community by Applying the Philosophy of Sufficiciency Economy in Kaeng Khro Sub-District Municipality, Kaeng Khro District, Chaiyaphum


  • Apichit Duangthisan Lecturer, Master of Political Science Program, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Northern College
  • Pairat Bunprakopwong Lecturer, Master of Political Science Program, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Northern College
  • Sittidet Wongprachya Lecturer, Master of Political Science Program, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Northern College


local regions areas of unity and development, community empowerment, philosophy of sufficiency economy


                This research  was conducted to study contexts of Kaeng Khro Subdistrict Municipality, Kaeng Khro District, Chaiyaphum, concerning  with development cooperation among region, locality and area to  strengthen the community by applying the philosophy of sufficiciency economy, to investigate factors that can lead to problems or affecting obstacles, to find ways of management to strengthen the community. The research is a qualitative research. The research instruments were the study of documents, in-depth interview, focus group and participant observation.

                The results found that the contexts of the community according to the development cooperation among region, local and area were derived from 1) The normal of Kaeng Khro Subdistrict Municipality, Kaeng Khro District, Chaiyaphom Province was building the collaborative networks for both public and private sectors, supporting communion, increasing the capabilities of the community association by a variety of supports, and administering the knowledge and learning management of the community; 2) For the factors that can lead to problems or obstacles affecting included were no supports in many parts for knowledge management, lack of  public mind, the information system was not supported, and people did not get support in the system of association and public mind; 3) The ways of management were the rehabilitation environment, sustainable living, adaptation, and establishment of a learning center network.


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Research article