Effects of Modern Accounting Expertise on Working Efficiency for Accountants of Local Governing Administrative Organization in Nongbua Lumphu Province


  • Nutcharee Pitak Lecturer, Accountancy Program, Faculty of Business Administration, Pitchayabundit College, Thailand https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5748-0808
  • Mintita Tuengfang Lecturer, Accountancy Program, Faculty of Business Administration, Pitchayabundit College, Thailand
  • Nitigorn Junsuriyasak Lecturer, Accountancy Program, Faculty of Business Administration, Pitchayabundit College, Thailand


modern accounting expertise, working efficiency, accountants


                The objective of this research was to examine the relation and the effect of modern accounting expertise with the efficiency on working of accountants in local governing administrative organization of nongbua lumphu province. The samples were 157 persons from the accountants of local governing administrative organization in Nongbua Lumphu province and the instruments were questionnaires. The statistics using for data analysis included percentage, mean, standard division, multiple correlation and multiple regression.

                The results of findings were as follows: for overall and each aspect, there were found that the accountants of local governing administrative organizations consisted mainly of women with the age of 30-40 years, educational levels of bachelor degree or lower, working experiences for 5-10 years and with the present position as the heads of finance. The concepts of accountants in local governing administrative organizations on the modern accounting expertise were in high level for overall and each aspect and the concepts of accountants in local governing administrative organizations on working efficiency  were in high level for overall and each aspect.

                The results on analysis of relation and effect of modern accounting expertise with the working efficiency of accountants in local governing administrative organization, There were found that the modern accounting expertise on the aspects of operation, planning, co-ordination and services was on positive effect with working efficiency for overall.

Author Biography

Nutcharee Pitak, Lecturer, Accountancy Program, Faculty of Business Administration, Pitchayabundit College, Thailand

นุชรี พิทักษ์ คณะบริหารธุกิจ สาขาวิชาการบัญชี


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