The Travel Behavior to Visit the Museum of Generation Y Tourists
travel behavior, generation Y tourists, museumAbstract
The purpose of this research is to study the travel behavior to visit the museum of generation Y tourists. The study used quantitative research methodology, using questionnaires as a research tool from 400 generation Y Thai tourists who experienced to visit the museum. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The results of generation Y tourists’ travel behavior revealed that, pre-travel behavior, most tourists visited museums on the weekend. The purpose of visiting the museums was to learn about history, art and culture. Learning about past civilization was the key motivation encouraging them to visit. They sought information about museums from Facebook. The most influential person influencing their decision-making was friends/colleagues besides, some of tourists were influenced by travel bloggers. During-travel behavior, the results showed that generation Y tourists liked to travel in groups with friends and spent around 30 minutes to 1 hour for visiting a museum. Activities of their interests were exhibitions presenting through video and audio. Post-travel behavior, most tourists were unsure to revisit the museums, but they liked to recommend others to visit the museums through social media.
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