The Need in Developing English Language Skills for Communication of the Hospital Receptionists in Phetchabun Province


  • Ratchaneewan Prayongkul Lecturer, Business English Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Phetchabun Rajabhat University


English for communication, hospital receptionists


                This research aims to study the need of English language skills for communication for hospital receptionists in Phetchabun Province, in order to develop a short course in English communication for hospital’s receptionists by using the framework of Target Situation Need Analysis based on Hutchinson & Waters, 1987. The target group consists of receptionists from 11 hospitals in Phetchabun obtained by purposive sampling. The data was collected by an online questionnaire. The findings show that the receptionists need to develop their 4 skills of English for communication (42.9%); listening, speaking, reading and writing in the high level. The need of English speaking skill is in high level. The need for self-study via handbook or multi-media material and short course training is in the high level as well.


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