The Impact of the Quality of Life in Work and Good Corporate Membership Behavior that Affecting the Performance of Personnel of Private Vocational School in the North


  • Aphinyarat Chantum Master’s Student, Degree in School Management, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Lasda Yawila Lecturer, Faculty of Management Science, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Rattana Sittioum Lecturer, Faculty of Management Science, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University


quality of life in work life, good membership behavior, work efficiency


                This study aimed to study the impact of quality of life in work and good membership behavior that affect the performance of personnel of the private vocational school in the North. 313 personnel of the private vocational school in the North were drawn to be the sample of the study. The research instrument, questionnaire, was used to collect the data which analyzed by Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation and Multiple Regression Analysis.

                 The results of the study found that the quality of life in work had the most impact on the performance of personnel of the private vocational education schools in the North, namely fair compensation, followed by balance in life, progressive opportunities in organizational and social responsibility aspects were statistically significant at level .05. All factors together predicted the efficiency of personnel in the private vocational education institutions in the North at 42.80% (R2=0.428). Good membership behavior of the organization that most affected the performance of personnel of the private vocational school in the North was the secondary consciousness behavior; followed by respect for other people's rights, and the behavior of sportsmanship was statistically significant at the .05 level. All factors together predict the performance of personnel of the private vocational school in the North by 52.30% (R2=0.523).


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