Trail of Tai Daeng (Red Tai), a Forgotten Ethnic Group: A Case Study of Tai Daeng in Ban Huai Phak Nao, Lat Khang Sub-District, Phu Ruea District, Loei Province


  • Montri Khamwan Lecturer, Department of Social Science, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Loei Rajabhat University


Tai Daeng ethnicity, custom, tradition, ritual, wisdom


                This study aimed to: 1) examine the background of Tai Daeng ethnicity; 2) examine the livelihoods of those in the Tai Daeng ethnicity; and 3) examine the adaptation of Tai Daeng ethnicity to social changes from past to present. This is a qualitative study in the study area of Ban Huai Phak Nao, Lat Khang Sub-district, Phu Ruea District, Loei Province. The samples in the study were 20 village leaders, folk sages, residents, and juveniles selected by purposive sampling. The instrument was an interview form for a focus group. 

                 The findings revealed that the Tai Daeng ethnicity in Ban Huai Phak Nao, Lat Khang Sub-district, Phu Ruea District, Loei Province, emigrated from Qi City in Sib Song Ju Tai, Vietnam, to Xiengkho District in Hua Pan, Lao PDR. Eventually, they immigrated and settled in Thailand in Ban Huai Phak Nao, Lat Khang Sub-district, Phu Ruea District, Loei Province around 1874 because it was an unflooded upland with forests and mountains similar to their native home. For the livelihoods of the Tai Daeng ethnicity, they mostly make a living from agriculture, with extra work as lottery sellers. They have their own unique ethnic culture, e.g. spoken language, written language, costumes, traditions, customs, and rituals. Their daily livelihood still attaches to traditions and changes in several aspects following globalization trends. Technologies or facilities have been brought and applied in their daily lives. Mobile phones are currently used for faster communication and more convenience. Some customs, cultures, and traditions have become more flexible so that their livelihoods will conform to the changing times. The past language was the Tai Daeng language, influenced by the culture of North Vietnam and partly by South China. However, the inhabitants of Ban Huai Phak Nao currently use the Tai Loei language with a Dan Sai accent. Up until now, the Tai Deng people have conserved and inherited the uniqueness as well as the remarkable folk wisdom, traditions, and cultures of their community.


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