Environmental Carrying Capacity of Tourism in Phuket Old Town


  • Janyawath Sutamma Independent Scholar
  • Jittasak Putjorn Lecturer, Tourism Management Major, Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University
  • Pit Jitpakdee Lecturer, School of Administrative Studies, Maejo University
  • Thanawat Dokchan Lecturer, Tourism and Hotel Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University


tourism carrying capacity, environment, participation, sustainable tourism


                This research aims to study about the tourism carrying capacity of Phuket Old Town, and to establish measures for sustainable tourism management. This research was conducted using mixed-method approach by employing interviews, focus groups, observation, survey, and evaluation with communal leaders and members and government and private sector for the qualitative data before conducted the content analysis. As for the quantitative data, the researchers employed questionnaires to study frequency, percentage, and means. The study results suggested that there was garbage overcapacity with the number of 0.8 kilograms per person per day, as well as the quality of tab water that had been indicated as contaminated, and noise pollution in public areas was also needed to be managed especially upon the weekly opening hours of the Lad Yai market. The measures applied by the local community: 1) in order to reduce garbage, the community urged and gathered collaboration from the local businesses to avoid using materials that could become garbage, while introducing the reused or natural products, and collaborated with the municipality in terms of waste management; and 2) the community coordinated and worked together with the Phuket municipality and the provincial public health office to improve tap water quality.


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