Cost and Return of Candle Fabric of Professional Woman’s Group Ban Lao Neng in Khao Kho District, Phetchabun Province


  • Napalai Boontim Lecturer, Accounting Program, Faculty of Management Science, Phetchabun Rajabhat University


cost, return, candle fabric


                The objectives of this study were to study the manufacturing process of candle fabric and to explore the cost and return of candle fabric of professional woman’s group Ban Lao Neng in Khao Kho District, Phetchabun Province. This research was qualitative research. The research population was the group president and 12 members of the professional woman’s group Ban Lao Neng. The research instrument was a structured interview. The statistics were used descriptive statistics, percentage, cost, income, profit and loss, profit margin, payback period, and benefit-cost ratio.

                The research results were as follows: the production of candle fabric was divided into 2 types of raw materials: hemp and cotton fabrics. The manufacturing process of candle fabrics were divided into 3 steps: Step 1 drew a pattern on the fabric. Step 2 dyeing the fabric. Step 3 peeling the candle. The average cost of candle fabric production per month divided into hemp fabric has a total cost of 58,465 baht, due to direct raw materials cost 48,750 baht or 83.38% of the total cost and cost per piece 3,898 baht.  The total cost of cotton was 13,465 baht, most of which was the labor cost for drawing patterns 8,925 baht or 66.28% of the total cost and cost per piece 898 baht.

                Candle fabric return analysis consists of profit from candle fabric sales per month was divided into hemp fabric is 2,352 baht and cotton is 1,510 baht. Profit margin analysis of hemp fabric was 37.63% and cotton was 25.17%. Payback period of cotton 3 months and hemp fabric 10 months. The benefit–cost ratio of hemp fabric was 1.60 and cotton was 1.34, which showed that the manufacturing quick payback. Therefore, candle fabrics were products of the community that has very worth the investment.


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