Influence of Content Marketing, Value Co-Creation and Customer Engagement to Social Network Loyalty


  • Nutnicha Inpen Lecturer, Marketing Major, Faculty of Management Science, Phetchabun Rajabhat University


content marketing, value co-creation, customer engagement, customer loyalty


This study aimed to investigate the structural equation model of the influence of creative content marketing with the concept of creating values co-creation and customer brand engagement results in enhancing brand loyalty on social network. The study was a survey research and evaluated by quantitative methodology. A sample was selected from 400 social shoppers all over Thailand. Based on research instrument, it was concluded that The Index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) was 0.86 and the value of reliability was 0.93. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistic, such as percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, inferential statistics, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM) and evaluated by statistical software.

The results of these analyses showed that the general information of social shoppers is more female than male. Most of them are between 31-40 years old with a bachelor’s degree, working as employee and earning the highest average monthly income between 30,001-40,000 baht. The frequency of social media use among the groups are more than once per day and the most popular search engines are Shopee and Facebook respectively. The top selling product category are clothes/costumes/accessories and electrical appliances/electronic devices respectively. The highest frequency of purchase is once per month with less than 1,000 bath as the average amount of money spent on each purchase. The most popular payment methods are bank transfer/internet banking and credit card respectively. The samples have the strongest opinion on creating shared values, whereas the strong opinions are creative content marketing in terms of consumer loyalty and customer brand engagement respectively.

According to the analysis results of Structural Equation Model, it was founded that the results were consistent with the empirical data in a good level and revealed the value of Chi – Square 84.21/ P-Value .06 / CMIN/df 1.28 / CFI 0.99 / GFI 0.98 / AGFI 0.93 / RMSEA 0.03 / NFI 0.98 /IFI 0.99 / RMR 0.02 indicated that the model was consistent with the empirical data or OK Fit Confirm. The results of hypothesis also revealed that the creative content marketing has a direct influence on consumer engagement;  the creating  values co-creation  has a direct influence on consumer engagement;  the creative content marketing has a direct influence on consumer brand loyalty;  the creating  values co-creation has a direct influence on consumer brand loyalty;  the consumer engagement has a direct influence on consumer brand loyalty;  the creative content marketing has a direct influence on consumer engagement  through consumer engagement;  the creating values co-creation has a direct influence on consumer engagement through consumer engagement. Lastly, the results of path analysis revealed that the creative content marketing has the most positive influence on consumer brand loyalty following by creating  values co-creation and consumer engagement respectively, whereas the creative content marketing has the most positive influence on consumer engagement and creating values co-creation respectively.


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