Integrated Marketing Communications Model that Affects the Buying Decision of Long Lab-Lae Durian in Uttaradit Province


  • Chatchai Sucharit Lecturers, Master Business Administration, Faculty of Management Science, Uttaradit Rajabhat University
  • Benjawan Sucharit Lecturers, Master Business Administration, Faculty of Management Science, Uttaradit Rajabhat University


integrated marketing communications, buying decision


                The objectives of this research aimed: 1) to study the buying behavior of Long Lab-Lae Durian; 2) to evaluate the integrated marketing communication tools towards perception of consumer; and 3) to formulate the integrated marketing communication model and buying decision model of Long Lab-Lae Durian in Uttaradit province. This research was conducted by using mixed method. The research instruments were in-depth interview and focus group. A data was analyzed by using descriptive statistical and content analysis.

                Buying decision behavior of Long Lab-Lae Durian was found that most key informants are awareness of information from personal media and buying reason is the taste. The source of purchase is Hue Dong fruit market Moreover, the taste is better than any other fruit. Most of purchase is for personal consumer. The decision is made by self-performance. The opportunity for buying Long Lab-Lae Durian is during durian season by buying through the fruit shop. The integrated marketing communication that affects the perception of customer in Uttaradit province was found that public relation is the first place. Next, special events and advertisement are the tools affect the perception of customer respectively.

                The results of the assessment of integrated marketing communication tools that affect consumer perceptions showed that the overall level was at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.93, S.D. = 0.78). When considering each aspect, it was found that the public relations is the first, followed by Special events and advertising, respectively.

                The integrated marketing communication model that affects the buying decision of Long Lab-Lae Durian in Uttaradit province consist of 3 processes: The first process is to create the perception. The second process is to create the reliable. The final process is to create the confident.

                Benefit from this study. The integrated marketing communication that effects of selling entrepreneurs Lab-Lae Durian, awareness, confidence in Lab-Lae Durian for customers and good image for Uttaradit Province. By using Lab-Lae Durian as identity of the province.


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