The Expectation of Impact and Preparation for Adjustment According to the Eastern Economic Corridor Policy of Establishments in Laem Chabang Industrial Estate


  • Chiraporn Wongsaen Lecturer, Faculty of Economics at Sriracha, Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus
  • Chiraphan Kuladilok Lecturer, Department of Economics, Kasetsart University


Laem Chabang industrial estate, eastern economic corridor


                This research aimed to study the expectation of impact and preparation for adjustment of entrepreneurs. As well as studying the relationship of the preparation and expectation. A total of 30 voluntary samples were selected from a total of 144 sites. The results showed that 66.70 percent of all samples expected that they would not be affected and that they saw a positive trend. At the same time, large industries still have concerns about unpredictable earnings from higher competition. And the capital constraints of small industries prevent this opportunity to expand an investment. As for the preparation, it was found that the establishments were quite prepared to review and prepare plans, labor skill development. But at the same time, the results point to the lack of readiness to adapt to research and development of technology and innovation, especially in small and medium industries. The results of the study correlation of the preparation and expectation. What was clearly found was that although most operators were expected to be unaffected, they did not ignore the upcoming developments. But most of the smaller industries are less prepared compared to other industries. This led to suggestions that the government should have different approaches to promote or provide assistance to reduce obstacles, different restrictions, and to enable entrepreneurs to continue their business, which is another way to promote the country's economy.


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Research article