Tourism Attraction Carrying Capacity Assessment in Mae Ngao National Park, Mae Hong Son Province


  • Chawalit Aphihirantrakun Master’s Candidate, Forest management, Maejo University Phrae Campus, Phrae
  • Torlarp Kamyo Lecturer, Department of Agroforestry, Maejo University Phrae Campus, Phrae


carrying capacity assessment, tourism, Mae Ngao national park


                This research aimed to assess the carrying capacity of tourist attractions in Mae Ngao National Park, Mae Hong Son Province. For supporting the number of of tourists who come to use the service within the Mae Ngao National Park. Data collection was conducted by assessing the physical carrying capacity, facility carrying capacity, ecological carrying capacity and social-psychological carrying capacity. From the study, it was found that physical carrying capacity can accommodate 94,365 persons/year. Facility carrying capacity can accommodate 316,629 persons / year. From the statistics of the number of tourists from 2017-2020, it was found that in 2018, the number of tourists was the most at 9,217 persons.  Accounted for 9.77 percent of physical carrying capacity. And 2.91% of the facility carrying capacity. Which has little impact or the number of tourists is still lower than the carrying capacity both of two these sides. For bio-physical or ecological carrying capacity found that root cover emerged at 34.62 %. This was at a medium level of root exposure severity. The vegetation cover studied from sapling showed that Eurya acuminata DC. was highly impacted while Acronychia pedunculata (L.) Miq. was impacted at a severe level. In the case of seedling, it was found that Litsea sp. was at a high level of impact, and Pavetta tomentosa Roxb. ex Sm. was at a severe level of impact. Lastly, the results of social-psychological carrying capacity assessment collected by using questionnaire revealed. That the informants perceived the crowding of tourist visiting at Mae Ngao National Park at a low level (14.70%). The number of tourists does not exceed the social-psychological carrying capacity.


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How to Cite

Aphihirantrakun, C., & Kamyo , T. . (2022). Tourism Attraction Carrying Capacity Assessment in Mae Ngao National Park, Mae Hong Son Province. Research and Development Journal, Loei Rajabhat University, 17(59), 41–51. Retrieved from