Sustainable and Intelligent Rural Development in Mueang District, Chachoengsao Province


  • Wittaya Taosa Candidate, Philosophy Program in Geoinformatics, Faculties of Geoinformatics, Burapha University
  • Phattraporn Soytong Lecturer, Geoinformatics Program, Faculties of Geoinformatics, Burapha University
  • Narumon Intarawichian Lecturer, Geoinformatics Program, Faculties of Geoinformatics, Burapha University
  • Prasarn Inthacharoen Lecturer, Aquatic Science Program, Faculties of Science, Burapha University


rural area development, sustainable and intelligent rural area, geographic information system


Sustainable and Intelligent Rural Development in Mueang District Chachoengsao’s objective was proposing alternatives for area management in restdent and industrial zones with geographic information system as tool to analyze suitability of the intelligent development in rural areas along with hierarchical analysis in seven aspect as health care, environment, facilities, education, agriculture, energy and communication.

The result found that the suitable areas scattered in Chachoengsao municipality and the suitability decreased according to the distance from the municipality. After planning the development with five aspects as health care, facilities, agricuture, energy and communication, the suitablility of some areas increased to ‘medium’ level and had fewer ‘low’ suitability areas.


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How to Cite

Taosa, W., Soytong, P., Intarawichian, N., & Inthacharoen, P. (2022). Sustainable and Intelligent Rural Development in Mueang District, Chachoengsao Province. Research and Development Journal, Loei Rajabhat University, 17(60), 73–81. Retrieved from



Thesis article