Relationship Between the Marketing Promotions and the Decisions to Buy the Office Furniture of the Dealers of ABC Company Limited in the Central Part of Thailand


  • Thanyatorn Somboon Independent Scholar
  • Amnaj Kerdanan Independent Scholar
  • Wirun Pleangrim Independent Scholar
  • Rachadaporn Boonruang Lecturer, Program in Business Administration, College of Liberal and Technological Sciences, Saint John’s University
  • Suphaphorn Promruesee Lecturer, Program in Marketing, Faculty of Management Science, Phranakhon Rajabhat University


marketing promotions, decisions making, office furniture


The purposes of this study are as follows: 1) to study the marketing promotions and the decisions to buy the office furniture of the central region dealer, ABC Company Limited; 2) to study the marketing promotions related to the purchasing decisions of the central region dealers, ABC Company Limited. The population consisted of 545 customers who were the dealers in the central region. The number of the samples was 240 calculated by Taro Yamane’s formula. Purposive sampling method was used as criteria. The instruments were questionnaires. The descriptive statistics used for the data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The data were analyzed by inferential statistic methods of t-test and f-test for the one-way analysis of variance. Moreover, Pearson correlation coefficient was also used for the analysis at the significance level of .05.

The research results revealed that: 1) marketing promotion, in term of highest opinion was direct marketing; purchasing decision of office furniture depends highest on the dealers; 2) Direct marketing promotions by giving catalogs to dealer shops had a direct relationship with the purchasing decisions of the central region dealers, ABC Company Limited.


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How to Cite

Somboon, T., Kerdanan, A., Pleangrim, W., Boonruang, R., & Promruesee, S. (2023). Relationship Between the Marketing Promotions and the Decisions to Buy the Office Furniture of the Dealers of ABC Company Limited in the Central Part of Thailand. Research and Development Journal, Loei Rajabhat University, 18(65), 25–33. retrieved from



Research article