Nang-Hab: Buddhist Ethics Volunteer


  • Boonwat Boontawong Lecturer, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Loei Rajabhat University


Buddhist Ethics, Nang-Hab, Volunteer


Nang-Hab is a long-practiced tradition of volunteer philanthropy of the Saengpha community Na Halo District, Loei Province, is a tradition that shows a firm and deep faith in Buddhism that is inherent in this local tradition. Nang-Hab is the name of a woman who volunteers to receive food to pay tribute to the monks at Wat Si Pho Chai willingly. This tradition of philanthropy is a tribute to merit with its donations, and philanthropy with a waiyawajjamai is to help others according to the principles of merit, the object according to other Buddhist ethics. This tradition of volunteer philanthropy is a tradition of volunteering to pay tribute to monks on behalf of neighbors, a tradition that represents the volunteerism of Nang-Harb, who has acted according to the example that Buddha taught before sending monks to spread Buddhism for the first time. The lord Buddha reiterated that monks should travel to the people's interests. Today, the Sangha community has maintained this tradition with such magnificent traditions, Therefore, tourists are constantly traveling to this Sangha community. If communities do not conserve traditions that are local identities, this may eventually be lost. How can the tradition of merit, the wisdom of the ancestors of this community, persist amid a digital culture influx of information technology by researching, preserving, developing and expanding this tradition to become widespread in other communities.


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