The Development of the Tourism Economy of Songkhla Lake Basin Towards a Sustainable Integrated Tourist Destination


  • Salinee Tippeng Lecturer, Major of Hotel and Tourism, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya
  • Kuldara Peanjaroen Lecturer, Major of Hotel and Tourism, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya
  • Suchart Inklam Lecturer, Major of Hotel and Tourism, College of Hospitality and Tourism, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya


development of tourism economy, tourism destination area, sustainable tourism


This study aimed to: 1) investigate the tourism potential of Songkhla Lake Basin; 2) perform a strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) analysis of the tourism of Songkhla Lake Basin; and 3) propose guidelines of tourism economic development of Songkhla Lake Basin towards a sustainable integrated tourist destination. This study utilized qualitative research in which the data were collected through in-depth interviews and group discussions whose main informants were drawn from the groups of both the demand and supply sides. The data were analyzed by using a content analysis and were examined by employing triangulation design. The findings indicated that Songkhla Lake Basin has abundant tourism resources such as the long-lived legend of the monk  Luang Pu Thuat who stepped on seawater turning it into freshwater and the interesting palmyra-paddy-sea way of life which are likewise rich in local wisdom learning resources. Secondly, the SWOT analysis showed that the tourism economy of Songkhla Lake Basin has strengths, namely, its distinctive abundant natural resources and interesting palmyra-paddy-sea way of life. On the other hand, its weakness was the community’s lack of storytelling to highlight its unique features. An identified opportunity was the plan of the

provincial authority to promote and develop tourism in a concrete manner and to address the threat posed by the spread of COVID-19. Lastly, the enhancement of the tourism economy of Songkhla Lake Basin should involve measures for the development of products and services in conformity with the unique palmyra-paddy-sea way of life of the local community. Tour packages should be developed by combining goods and tourism services to be offered to tourists. A wide variety of distribution channels such as websites and applications should be added. Training sessions should be held to develop knowledge and understanding among community members as regards the provision of tourist services. Infrastructures of tourist sites should also be developed.


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Research article