Guidelines for Increasing Income and Create a Savings Model for Ban Bung Yang Women Group with King’s Philosophy


  • Jatupon Janpet Lecturer, Economics Program, Faculty of Management Science, Phetchabun Rajabhat University


increasing income, create a savings model, King’s philosophy


This study objective is Guidelines for Increasing Income and Create a Savings Model for Ban Bung Yang Women Group. Lom Sak District, Phetchabun Province to find the right savings model. The study and data were collected using a semi-structured interview form. From the herbal group of Ban Bung Yang women, Village No. 4, Wat Pa Sub-district, Lom Sak District, Phetchabun Province, 15 cases.

The results of the study of general information found that the Ban Bung Yang women's herbal group. Have a problem of insufficient income and there is no suitable savings model. From the analysis of group conditions. There is a strong point in the availability of local raw materials and the group members have the wisdom of making traditional Thai herbal compress balls in the local area. In addition, the trend of using herbs tends to increase and government agencies support it. But there are also weaknesses in working capital and non-standard products in addition, to obstacles in purchasing power and economic instability problems. When surveying the need to increase income to determine the training course. The highest ranking was making the compress meet the market's demanding standards. The second is traditional massage, which is a supplement to earn additional income from the group's herbal compress products. As for the savings model, it was found that the members of the group had a suitable savings model, namely savings in cash. and various types of deposit accounts in financial institutions (banks, cooperatives, etc.)


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