Marketing Mix in Cultural Attractions in Community-based Tourism of Bangkok


  • Pitsamai Jatturat Candidate, Tourism and Hotel Management, College of Management, University of Phayao
  • Chawalee Na-Talang Lecturer, Tourism and Hotel Management, College of Management, University of Phayao


marketing mix, cultural attractions, community-based of Bangkok


This research aimed to study the factors  of marketing mix  in cultural attractions in community-based  tourism of  Bangkok  and  to compare the factors  of  marketing  mix  in cultural attractions  in community-based tourism of  Bangkok classified by genders, ages, status, education, occupation and income. The sample was 400 thai tourists who visited cultural attractions in the community of Bangkok with convenience sampling and questionnaires were employed as a research tool. Statistics used to analyze data consisted of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and statistics used to test hypotheses consisted of independent  t-test  and one-way ANOVA.

The results showed that 1) the factors  of marketing mix  of cultural attractions in community-based tourism of  Bangkok were obviously found at a high level in overall. The highest mean was found  in term of product, then price, place  and  people. The  intermediate mean was investigated in term of promotion and physical evidence  2) Thai tourists with different genders, educations and occupations  had indifferent opinion about the factors of marketing mix  but  Thai tourists  with  different ages, status and income had different opinion about the factors  of marketing mix of cultural attractions in community-based  tourism of Bangkok in overall with the statistical significance at .05 level.


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