Human Capital Development Guideline for International Hotel Chains After COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Phinyada Peetiwan Reservations Agent, Siam Kempinski Hotel, Bangkok
  • Rachanon Taweephol Lecturer, Hotel Management Department, Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University


human capital, international hotel chains, covid-19


The objectives of this research aimed to: 1) study the limitations and obstructions on human capital development in international hotel chains; 2) study about human capital development strategy analysis in international hotel chains; and 3) study the rate of opinion towards analyzed human capital development guidelines after the COVID-19 pandemic. By using Mixed Method research, starting from an in-depth interview with 9 people who are in charge of the human development process in international hotel chains, followed by collecting a questionnaire from samples which contain 100 samples for hoteliers in international hotel chains and 15 samples from a university professor who is in charge of hotel management or hospitality and tourism. The results were showed that: 1) limitations and obstructions on human capital development consist of factors; unable to arrange on-site training as usual, manning loss, unclear communication, and the operating costs are adjusted to suit the situation; 2) Human capital: Social capital, Emotional capital, and Intellectual capital and pay attention to Upskills and Reskills by considering individual capability; and 3) The overview on the rate of opinion towards analyzed human capital development guidelines are highest.


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