Product and Promotion Affected to Decision Making to Use the Food Delivery Applications


  • Werayut Shutimarrungson Lecturer, Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Nattakarn Shutimarrungson Lecturer, Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University


marketing mix, application, food delivery, decision making


The aims of this research are to: 1) study the level of marketing mix factors which affects to decision making to use the food delivery applications of generation Y consumers in Bangkok metropolitan area; and 2) examine marketing mix (4Ps) factors influencing on decision making to use the food delivery applications on generation Y consumers in Bangkok metropolitan area. Research samples were people who live, work, or study in Bangkok metropolitan area. The people samples were both male and female on generation Y, and they have used the food delivery applications. The number of samples were 385 by using convenience sampling method. The research instrument was online questionnaire. Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. Research results revealed that: 1) the opinion level of marketing mix factors influencing on the decision making to use the food delivery application on generation Y consumers in Bangkok metropolitan area was high; and 2) marketing mix factors such as product and promotion affected decision making to use the food delivery application with the significant statistic level at .05. The research results have achieved a guideline for entrepreneurships to develop and revise service the food delivery applications.


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