Food Delivery Service Marketing Mix Factors Affecting Purchasing Intention of Gen Z


  • Thareethip Laowirojanakul Lecturer, Hotel and Culinary Business, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Dhurakij Pundit University


food delivery, service marketing mix, Gen Z


This research aimed to 1) study level of service marketing-mix factors affecting purchasing intention of Gen Z consumers in Bangkok metropolitan and the vicinity 2) analyze the relationship between the service marketing-mix factors affecting purchasing intention of Gen Z consumers and 3) analyze the service marketing-mix factor influencing purchase intentions of Gen Z consumers using multiple regression analysis. The 400 samples were generation Z, born in 1995-2010 and living in Bangkok metropolitan and the vicinity. The instruments used for measurement were Pearson’s Coefficient Correlation analysis of service marketing-mix factors and the second order influence of the factors. The results are that 1) Product, process, and promotion are top three level of all 6 service marketing-mix factors affecting purchasing intention of Gen Z consumers. 2) all six service marketing-mix: promotion, product, process, price, person, and place, are significantly related to the purchasing intention of Gen Z consumers, and 3) the promotion of service marketing-mix is positively influencing purchasing intention of Gen Z consumers.


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How to Cite

Laowirojanakul, T. . (2024). Food Delivery Service Marketing Mix Factors Affecting Purchasing Intention of Gen Z. Research and Development Journal, Loei Rajabhat University, 19(67), 80–89. retrieved from



Research article