Raising the Utilization of Local Medicinal Plants to Enhance the Community Economy: A Case Study of Ban Nong Bua, Bueng Thawei Sub-district, Tao Ngoi District, Sakon Nakhon


  • Aschara Namthaisong Researcher, Research and Academic Services, Research and Development Institute, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • Sakda Sansupan Researcher, Research and Academic Services, Research and Development Institute, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • Seansuree Chuewungkham Researcher, Research and Academic Services, Research and Development Institute, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University


community economy, local medicinal plants, raising the utilization


This research aimed to study and analyze the situation of local medicinal plant utilization and to develop the increase of the utilization of local herbal resources by using participatory research practice (Participatory Action Research: PAR). The target group was specifically selected for 65 people as community leaders, local experts who had knowledge, a group of growers or producers of herbs, people who were in the income criteria of 40% of the poorest, and users who took advantages from community-level research. The tools used for the community study was in-depth interview and organized group discussions. The results showed that the community produced local medicinal plant situation data sets for utilization which the community could easily access and utilize. There was also an area management model for the cultivation of medicinal plants in rotation and integration in order to reduce market risks relating to the community potential. As a result, the community had increased the area for planting 8 types of medicinal plants (plai, turmeric, turmeric, citronella, aloe vera, agave, okra, and kaffir lime) accounting for 58.53% of the increased target group utilization. There was also an addition of new species and production capacity in the area from the original amount for 30 species. The total planting amount was 754 trees which had been increased to 32 species (citronella and turmeric). The amount of planting after the research project had been carried out was 4,154 trees which was 77.82 percent of the increased utilization in the community.


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Research article