The Value Creation for Adaptation of Hospitality and Tourism Industry of Thailand


  • Rachanon Taweephol Lecturer, Hotel Management Department, Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University


value creation, adaptation, hospitality and tourism


The objectives of this research aimed to 1) study the context of the strengths, value creation, and impressions of the service industry and tourism in Thailand.;  2) propose to the application of value creation in the service industry and tourism in Thailand. It is qualitative research using the content analysis methodology. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The key respondents are a group of lecturer of Tourism, hotel and event management, public and private agencies, totaling 14 people. The study's findings revealed that: 1) presenting the strengths of authentic Thai that is in the roots of the nation's culture to make a difference in activities, locations and service providers to create word-of-mouth and impress tourists; and 2) creating value by using soft power for tourists through local tourism resources Including taking into account the sustainability of the environment in business operations and applying the information technology to disseminate information and facilitate travel.


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