Marketing Promotional Strategies Influencing on the Decision Making Process of Used Cars in New Normal of the buyer Loei Province


  • Rawat Mantra Lecturer, Department of Management Program, Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Vilaiporn Yakampom Lecturer, Department of Management Program, Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Yaothida Rattanaphonsaen Lecturer, Department of Management Program, Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Wanunporn Chuenpiboon Lecturer, Accounting, Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Tanawat Jornpakdee Bachelor’s Student, Department of Management Program, Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat University


decision making, used cars, marketing promotion strategies, new normal


Marketing Promotional Strategies influencing on affect the decision making process of used cars in new normal of the buyer Loei Province. This study is a quantitative research methodology. The objectives were to study the buying behavior of used cars and Marketing Promotional Strategies influencing on affect the decision making process of used cars in new normal of the buyer Loei Province and to the different of Marketing Promotional Strategies influencing on affect the decision making process of used cars in new normal of the buyer Loei Province, the population used in this study was those who decided to buy used cars in the new way era in Loei province. because the exact number is unknown. Because the exact number is unknown, an unknown accurate population calculation table is used to calculate 400 samples. By using Yamane formula to determine the scale, multi-stage sampling method is adopted., which consisted of data analysis using basic statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation were used for data analysis. t-test and F-test, one-way ANOVA and LSD method of ANOVA.

The results showed that: 1) Information about second-hand car purchase behavior of the respondents found that the sample group of sedan cars amounted to 179 people, representing 44.75%, paying in installments with 236 people, representing 59.00% percent, within 1 year of 184 people, representing a hundred. The first 46.00% of each car, 180 people, representing 45.00%; 2) the Marketing strategies with the decision-making process to buy used cars in the new way in Loei Province overall is at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the highest mean was the aspect of giving product trials, followed by the evaluation of alternatives. The lowest average were in terms of searching for information, respectively; and 3) the respondents with different gender, age, status, occupation and average monthly income. have an opinion about the marketing strategies with the second-hand car purchase decision process were significantly different at the .05 level. Classified by education level and status, significantly different at .05 level. There was no significant difference.


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