Community Strength in Community-based Tourism Management of Pha Wai Village, Puanpu Sub-District, Nonghin District, Loei Province


  • Warakorn Jainoi Lecturer, Tourism and Hotel Program,Faculty of Management science, Loei Rajabhat University


tourism, community-based tourism, ways of life of community, community strength


The research aimed at: 1) studying the factors of Pha Wai community-based tourism management in Puan Pu sub-district, Nong Hin District, Loei Province; and 2) studying the strength of Pha Wai community-based tourism management, Puan Pu sub-district , Nong Hin District, Loei Province. Data were collected through questionnaire and in-depth interview with 4 groups of informants: tourism-related government officers, private sectors, community leaders and tourism leaders from conservative tourism group, and people living in Pha Wai village. The results were as follows:

For opinions on community tourism management factors, overall aspect were rated at high level. The opinions on the management factors of community tourism were ranked as follows: 1) community organizations; 2) natural resources and culture; 3) learning; and 4) management, respectively.

For opinions on the strength of Pha Wai community in general, all aspects are at the highest level. Considering  by the project, the strength of the community were ranked respectively as: 1) learning;  2) participation; 3) resources; 4) network; 5) community organization; 6) people; and 7) community plan.

The interview found that for the community's strength in managing the community needs to be aware of ownership, pride and local culture, create cross-cultural learning by involving people in the community in the direction and decision-making of community tourism management, maximize the needs of the community and create appropriate returns for the local people and strengthen sustainable tourism management in communities.


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